3 reasons to invest in your printing press operators

14.12.17 08:00 AM Comment(s)

To a large extent, printing press operators determine the quality of your products and enhance customer satisfaction; they are the final step towards customers. Whether you like it or not, operators are responsible for your printing presses and their output. The quality of this output ultimately determines your organisation's turnover.

Therefore, investing in operator training and education is essential. In this blog, I’ll tell you more about the why and how of training, and how it helps your company to take a leap forward.

1. Printing productivity

It’s clear that well-trained operators help you to improve productivity. Not only do they know how to run a printing job, but also how to solve problems and act preventatively. Therefore, they can run high-quality jobs at lower costs.

Re-orders are kept to a minimum, and the output remains within the defined standards so financial objectives can be achieved. Well-trained printing press operators ensure that customers continue to order because they know they can expect top quality products.

2. Increase motivation

Training and education aren’t just crucial to reach financial goals, it also increases the motivation of your operators. In an era where it’s difficult to find and retain technically trained personnel, that’s highly valuable{{cta('e8dd54b7-677b-4eed-a97f-b6eca9f91cad','justifyright')}}. Studies have proven that among all different parameters for the success of your operation, the motivation of the operators is the number one key parameter.

Operators who work in a stimulating working environment place will feel more connected with the organisation. They are open to improvement, admit mistakes without hesitation in order to grow, and make the most of their job in general. This dynamic yields more positive results for your organisation in the long term.

3. Ensure continuous quality

In practice, it is often the case that there’s one person within the organisation that has all the necessary knowledge to solve problems. If he fails due to illness, for example, you have a big issue to solve.

You need printing press operators who can fill his boots. The more people meet this requirement, the better the employability and continuity. When all operators in your company are equally trained, a continuous quality result is guaranteed.

3. Asan Pack operators after completing MPS training in the Netherlands.jpg
Operators from Asan Pack (Iran) after completing flexo training at the MPS headquarters in The Netherlands

How to invest in training and education?

The benefits of investing in training and education for your operators are clear. But what options are available?

  • Follow seminars and workshops: Flexo related organisations and trade associations, like EFTA in The Netherlands, DFTA and VSKE in Germany and TLMI in the USA, give all kinds of seminars and workshops on every aspect of the printing process.
  • Offer Label Academy courses: Tarsus’ Label Academy offers training on various printing-related {{cta('e8dd54b7-677b-4eed-a97f-b6eca9f91cad','justifyright')}}subjects, including exams. MPS is proud sponsor of this initiative.

In short, printing press operators are the most decisive factor in achieving your goals. They help you realise the lowest cost price per 1000 labels, meet shipping dates and ensure consistent quality. They have a major impact on your printing process and its viability.

Speaking of the viability of your printing process, your printing press operators aren’t the only factor that determines whether it’s viable.

