How we put press operators in the spotlight

16.03.18 07:00 AM Comment(s)

There is never a dull moment working in the MPS marketing department, and a lot has changed since I joined MPS three years ago. Blogging is one example of a new direction we’ve taken, so I’m pleased to share my first blog from a marketing perspective!

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Celebrating the Operator of the Month

At MPS, our focus is on the press operator. It means much more than just our slogan; Operator Focused, Results Driven. For us, it means we highly respect the operator. In fact, we think they are the most important person in the print shop! We want the operator to be comfortable with their press, which is why our presses are designed with the operator in mind. Ease of operation is the number one rule for MPS. Last year, I was thinking of ways to place operators in the spotlight. How could we celebrate them and give them the acknowledgement they deserve?

I noticed on our social media channels that a number of followers are operators, and active fans of our posts, with a large number of ‘likes’ and comments which we are very grateful for! Inspired by the American way of selecting an ‘Employee of the Month’ – the Operator of the Month contest was born.

And the winner is…

The program was promoted across our social media channels and newsletter, and the response was very positive with many winners celebrated to date! ‘Operator of the Month’ winners receive an official certificate from MPS and a goodie bag filled with a t-shirt, cap, and some small MPS treats. Many of our winners have sent us photos proudly wearing their new MPS gear.

Thanks to this contest, with heartwarming nominations and an enthusiastic flow of selfies taken with MPS presses, I’ve been in contact with operators from all over the world — from South Africa to the UK, and from Italy to Bangladesh. Hendrie, Vladi, Peter, MD Saiful, Dirk and MD Zahidul are some great examples of happy operators and winners, proud to run ‘their’ MPS press and share their story.

Special mention goes to the team of Checkpoint Bangladesh: there were simply too many extremely enthusiastic nominations to choose a winner every month, so the complete team of operators received an MPS cap!

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For me, ‘Operator of the Month’ is a great way to get to know the people we’re working for every day. I always look forward to receiving nominations and stories, to keep focusing on the operator!

Nominate the next star

Is there a star in your organization, a dedicated operator of an MPS press? Or are you the star operator and would like to be named our next ‘Operator of the Month’? Send a photo of the nominee beside their MPS press to for their chance to win and receive an official certificate, a filled goodie bag, and deserved recognition!

I hope to announce many more winners in the months ahead, as I know there are so many great people out there running MPS presses with dedication and enthusiasm every day. We are focused on the operator, but they are the ones that make the result count.

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